Below is a list of Riding Instructors/Trainers/Coaches happy to instruct in bitless bridles within Australia.
If you are or know of any bitless instructors who'd like to be included on this list, please send me the contact details at suzy@happyhorsesbitless.com
New South Wales
Suzy Maloney, Happy Horses Bitless - Lismore, 0401 249 263, Email - suzy@happyhorsesbitless.com
Fran Griffen, Hunter Natural Horsemanship Centre - Hunter Valley - (02) 4988 6031
hnhcentre@gmail.com, http://www.hunternaturalhorsemanship.com
Natural Equestrian Horsemanship, Suzanne Bellette - Arcadia (near Sydney) Mobile: 0419 603 122,
suzanne@naturalequestrian.com.au http://www.naturalequestrian.com.au
Steeve Croucher - Coffs Harbour – 0418 235 359 - www.steevecroucher.com
Deb Shearim - KalEquine Services – Central Coast - Ph: 0417268884 - www.kalequine.webs.com
Mel Fleming – Moonbi - Ph: 02 6760 5519 Mobile: 0428 385 745 - www.melfleming.com.au
Sue Wilmington - Googong - Mobile: 0408 228 494, (02) 6299 6898,
sue.wilmington@webone.com.au http://www.suewilmington.squarespace.com
Lisa Podosin - One With Horses - Tenterfield - Ph 0423 087 647, Email - lisa@onewithhorses.com
Tori Jeffress - Manildra - Ph 0400 370 753, Facebook - 'Bitless With Every Bit of Control'.
Classical dressage bitless and bridleless.
Janene Clemence - Byron Bay - The Academy of Equine Performing Arts.
Suzanne Bellette - Arcadia - Ph 0419 603 122
Diana Waters - Central Coast - Responsive Equine, Ph: 0497 063 788
Dural Hoof Sports
Galston Equestrian Club
Tarago Sporting Association - Gill Shepherd, Ph 0419 639 254
South Australia
Rusty’s Riding Retreat - Sanderston - Megan McIntyre, Ph: 0439 581 124.
Email - rustysridingretreat@gmail.com www.connectionrrr.com.au
Sonya Little - Lincoln Park Horse and Human Rehabilitation Centre - Monarto South -
Ph 0423 586 384 Email - lincolnparkhhcentre@gmail.com
Ainslie Daniels - Daniels Equestrian - Echunga - Email - danielsequest@gmail.com
Amalia Dempsey - Adelaide - 0452 466 673.
Megan Mcyntire - Sanderson - Rusty's Retreat.
Steve Halfpenny - Blanchetown - Light Hands Equitation, Silversand Horsemanship, www.stevehalfpenny.com
Vicki Ruzicka - Evandale - Pegasus Riding Inc., Ph: 0497 869 910 (03) 6326 6895, pegasusridinginc@gmail.com
Nan Catmur – Longford - Nan’s Riding School.
Samantha Goss – Devonport - Ph. 0414 486493
Lee Davis Horsemanship – North Motton - Ph. 0419 829 777
Horsehaven Farmstay – Judbury - Ph. 03 6266 0343 Email; bookings@horsehavenfarmstay.com
Tasmanian Trail Riders Inc. – Raylene Garwood, Ph. 0418 167 382
Waterfall Creek -Talangatta Valley - Glenn and Kelly (02) 6071 0210 www.waterfallcreek.com.au - info@waterfallcreek.com.au
Wrangler Jayne Glenn – Yarra Valley (East of Melbourne), VIC. Email - mail@wranglerjayne.com.au -www.wranglerjayne.com.au/
Teaching in bitless bridles for 20 years, holistic horsemanship teacher.
Carlos Tabernaberri – Whispering Acres - Kilmore - https://whisperingacres.com/ Email - info@whisperingacres.com
Ph: 0414 380 396
Jenny Pearce – Tanjil South – www.jennypearce.com.au
Rebecca Grimmant - Yarra Valley - Ph 0431 438 234
Heartland Equestrian - Buln Buln East - Bitless, Liberty and Bridleless, Ph - 0407 992 382
Heather Pow - Hamilton - Topsy Lodge Ponies - Pony Playground, Ph 0418 972 257
Australian Equine Behaviour Centre (AEBC) - Australian wide clinics.
Fiona Dearing - Facebook page.
Bendigo Bitless Riding Club - Facebook page.
Alexandria Bailey – Beaudesert, www.aape.com.au
Georgia Bruce – Cairnes - Equine Clicker Training, www.clickwithhorses.com, clickertraining.org/
Sherrilyn Walters – Upper Freestone, Ph. 0431 012 048, www.horsenridertraining.weebly.com
Hayley Chambers-Holt - Lockyer Valley, Ph. 0403584254
John Downes - Equestrian and Archery Services - Taroom, Ph. 0429 486 839, Email - downesequestrian@bigpond.com
Eliza Priddle - Nerang, Gold Coast, QLD. Ph -0419 700 358 Email - savvyeliza@hotmail.com
Jenn Wagstaff - Tambourine Village - Healthy Hooves Horsemanship, Kids Pony Play, - Email : j.barehoofcare@gmail.com, Ph 0423 655 924. Horsemanship for children and adults.
Michelle Dennis - Firehorse Inspirations - Harrisville, QLD. Ph 0408 709 515, Email - michelle@firehorseinspirations.com.au
Kim Daley - Toowomba - Daley Equine Education, Ph 0400 616 751
Currumbin District Horse Club - Dressage.
Equitune - Brisbane - Wellness through horsemanship, www.EquiTune.com.au Email - equituneteam@gmail.com.
Ph: Nat 0450 957 380
Western Australia
Sam and Sascha Watson – www.horsesandhorsemen.com
Alex Nicol - Gidgegannup - Ph - 0427 556 633
Susi May - Specialising in Clicker Training - susivitek@gmail.com
Lisa Croft - Myalup - Ph: 0404 141 970, Facebook: 'A Page for Equine Awareness (Lisa Croft)'
Geraldton Hoof Sports Club