Just sending you some pics of my girls using the bitless bridles we bought off you. The ponies haven’t been ridden in a bit for months, and seem much happier, especially the sensitive little Shetland mare. She used to hate having a bridle put on and off her, and she was also quite funny about her head being touched. Now she’s working great with the bitless bridle, and is no longer sensitive around her head or difficult having her bridle put on. I’m sure she’s much happier. And I’m not sure why I ever thought it was necessary to have a piece of metal in a horse’s mouth to ride it! I also really enjoy reading your newsletters, keep up the good work :-)
Best wishes, Karleah Berris

Just letting you know that NayNay & I are going really well with the bitless, he's such a good boy with it, I have better control than with a bitted bridle, so pretty happy there. I basically put it on him rode around a small paddock & then went out for a ride, no problems & next ride went straight out for my normal ride, Fleur Christie.
Taking myself on a different path - losing friends and credibility in the horse world along the way. All worth it to watch my horses change and become the beautiful happy creatures they deserve to be, and also to find a happy calm within myself. It's nice to hear of fellow horse people on the same path xo
Love my Dr Cook bridles from your store, MeganWatson
Thank you heartily for your wonderful bitless bridles. We love them.
I am a happy “ambassador” of your bitless bridles and honestly wish everyone would transition. It takes virtually no time to get used to the difference. It is SO obvious how much the horse prefers them and I think that pretty near everyone would notice an immediate improvement in their horse with the bitless bridle. I really wish and hope bits will one day be a thing of the (barbaric) past.
Kind regards, Carolyn Boniface.
The Best Thing Ever
"I have an OTTB we have worked for 2 years and to no avail would he release his tension or settle in his mouth. Had his back checked his teeth done had Chiropractic done and worked with the best trainers I could find. Finally decided to go bitless and chose Dr. Cook's. WOW !!!! What a difference. He is a different horse! Wanted to make him a dressage horse but now will have to figure out how to use his experience to save other horses from a life of pain. Great product!!! A life changer for my horse as his problem was severe." Thanks! Rita Dee, Wilden's Run Farm
"Hi, received the bridle this afternoon, tried it on Barney he seemed happy with it, so put his saddle on and went for a ride and I was amazed walked about 10 mtrs I stopped him as normal and them went forward some more turned around and asked for a trot and off he went no issues at all. stoped him again and them walked of the into a trot and into a canter turned and stoped without any questions at all. unbelievable think he was much better to control in the bitless, can not wait till tomorrow to take him out for a longer ride.
Thanks for the quick service and quick delivery. Great fit and fanatic product." Regards Tim O'Neill

"Loving horses all my life, but not being able to indulge that interest until middle age, I decided to treat myself to an ‘equine sabbatical’, which has been going on now for 2 ½ years. I’ve participated in several natural horsemanship clinics, and had individual, ongoing coaching sessions from 5 highly skilled and well respected coaches. I can confidently say that my lessons with Suzy Maloney have been the most eye opening and helpful that I have had to date.
The thing that sets Suzy apart as a coach is difficult to pinpoint, however she has provided me with more ‘lightbulb moments’ than I can count, and has supported my journey like no other coach. Suzy has a gentle and encouraging manner, coupled with an amazing amount of experience and knowledge, which I can say about many of my fabulous coaches, however Suzy has an extra element which has catapulted my learning. If she could bottle it, I’d buy in bulk!
I have been a student of Suzy Maloney’s for some months now, and while I originally took the lessons to improve my riding skills I have also gained an enormous, unexpected supplementary skill set. Her training has provided me with many invaluable insights into horse handling, which have significantly improved my interactions with all horses. I highly recommend Suzy as an excellent coach.
What a fantastic relief Suzy Maloney, so many horsey questions being… answered so clearly………I love your lessons, bitless is best!"
Anna Rimac
Just a quick update, been 3 weeks now with our Dr Cook and I can't put into words how thrilled I am with our progress, so, so happy and so is Thistle. Gail Watson
"Prior to purchasing my Dr cooks bridle I had no idea. It was instinct that led me to research. I have a gorgeous partner who was head tossing, bucking, not listening at all to me. He is so very kind and gentle on the ground. I thought ok he is trying to talk to me. He is saying I’m in pain. His dentist is a vet ‘all good in his mouth Lisa’ he says. Saddle made for him $5000 – still doing his behaviour, talking, ok, I will remove the bit. So google I did and found this bridle was one I was willing to try. Suzy was great with her customer service, very personal. It arrives in a few days. We saddle up , we let Riley know its ok to move and teach him some new cues that wont involve pain to the mouth. This horse is now being trained in dressage and was used as a demonstration horse at a clinic. He never bucks, he moves forward with ease and confidence and halts beautifully. This horse is a testament to a nervous rider putting a bitless bridle on a hot nervous horse because it was best for the horse and my safety. I will never use a bit on Riley and cannot recommend the Dr cook bridle enough. Yes you need the be light in your hands and yes you need to understand your seat and leg aids but please dont use a bit for control or communication as I truly believe it is the bit that creates a barrier to your partnership and a bit will never control your horse it just creates a cruel control of an ignorant rider." Lisa Brown
"I just wanted to say thank you for your lessons. I really love the way you teach and are always so encouraging. I value your skills , and have gained so much calmness and clarity from our lessons. I love you way you work and connect, your integrity, I value your friendship and look forward to working with you soon. I also continue to put you forward as a fabulous instructor."
Kristen Ableson

"I wanted to let you know what a remarkable thing it is. I’ve been riding this horse for 8 years in a halter or side-pull bitless bridle and thought he was perfect. But it’s almost as if he’s been waiting all his life for the cross-under bitless – it’s remarkable, thanks very much indeed."
Frank Sanderson

"My new bitless bridle!
The bridle arrived, woo hoo, and rode in it last night after ground work preparation – love it love it love it. It just feels good! I had done some work with him in a halter (ridden) so I wasn’t too worried about his reaction to this bridle but wow it was terrific, no nervous chewing of the bit, no fear for me that I might wack him the mouth or return to bad habits with “quick action” adjustments! Soft, soft, soft back up, walk trot and canter, the canter was the best, this has been a struggle for him but he was more relaxed and carried himself, he has looked to be carried by the bit, a hangover from his breaking and early work – not anymore! We are going to love it!
The more I ride in bitless the more I like it and the more my horse likes it, actually loves it, both of us. I go home feeling like I have done everything possible to help him have an enjoyable experience with me. It just feels so good. Even after three rides I can feel such a difference, it’s not just the fact that he is bitless but also my approach. I thought I was pretty soft, pretty ok, but it has changed everything – when I catch him, when I saddle him, in everything I do my body language has changed. Remarkable! It makes me cry with joy, the way he looks at me, you can just tell he has noticed, you can see it in his eye. Teary writing this, wow, so much to look forward to, I have loved riding all my life but not like I love it now. "
Thank you, Jenny Hearn.
"My mare is so much happier in the bitless bridle and her brakes are much better. Being a shire X thoroughbred she is very head strong and heavy in the mouth, but she is a lot lighter now so we both enjoy our rides much more."
Sarah Bekkers
"We have been riding 4 years with bitless cross unders. I started down this path with a very hot stressed 18 year old. All the “experts” said get a stronger bit. In my research I discovered the cross unders. He was so much happier and relaxed. For those who have queries regarding stopping etc, he was perfect. I am talking about a very very hot horse here. It is a myth that a horse will stop with a bit, if it is in a real bolt it will just run through the pressure. A bit causes pain and anxiety, and can cause a bolt. My current riding horse is a 4 year old Arab. He is doing very well in his bitless. Our other riding horse is also a Arab, with a history of abuse. He loves his bitless and responds to a “whisper” of a suggestion. I would never ever put a bit on any horse. These amazing creatures respond so much better to partnering, not slave master relationships."

Dear Suzy, Just saying hi and letting you know Billy and I are still loving our bitless bridle. This photo is a still from a video shot today on south beach.
Suzie Melchior
"Suzy, I can’t believe the difference a bitless bridle has made for my Taylor – he is a different horse – thank you for introducing this to us both – I can’t believe how much I have grown in my riding with your help, you are truly a horse whispering genius!" Love your work, Deb Evans

"Thanks Suzy, We’ve been using a Dr. Cook’s bitless on our Arab galloway whose mouth had been obviously pulled around a lot from her previous owner. The bitless not only gave us more control but immediately dropped her head into a perfectly natural carriage. I’m completely sold on them and will be converting others one horse at a time."
Many thanks, Bernice.

"Before Suzy came I was feeling hopeless with my horse Gemma. We just couldn’t seem to get a connection. Suzy brought in a new energy and enthusiasm that transferred into Gemma and I. We began working together and Gem started responding to me in a way she never had before, we really bonded.
Now we really like each other – in fact I would have to say love each other, and it’s due to Suzy’s generous nature that’s brought that out in us."
Sally Brown
"Hi Suzy, Just wanted to thank you so much for stocking and supplying the Dr Cook bridle. Ours arrived today. It fits like a dream and our TB rode like an angel in it this morning! So a BIG thank you from me and an even BIGGER thank you from Miss T".
Kind Regards Alison
I received my Deluxe Bridle & reins today, thanks so much for prompt despatch. I followed the enclosed instructions on fitting the bridle & my horse, Ammo, not only looks great in his new bridle, but with the ground work I did with him this afternoon, he was so responsive & willing. I am so impressed with the quality of this bridle & reins, compared to another bitless bridle I have purchased before. Thanks for your prompt despatch of my order & I'm sure my horse, Ammo, will be grateful that I will no longer be putting a bit in his mouth & hopefully, we'll have many happy & safe trails together.
I am so impressed with this bridle & so is he, I rode him around the paddock at home, he was so responsive, backing up, turning left & right & I really feel like I have much better grip than with the other bitless bridle I have, it's a far superior bridle, I'm so thrilled with the bridle & enjoying my horse so much more now, he's a pleasure to work with & ride now.
Happy trails, Cathy Enlefeldt

"Things have gone very well with the new bridle. My pony has taken to it with no problem. As I am training her to cart I have been long reining her all over the place with the bitless bridle without any problem".
Duncan Kirkley (Pappy)